CONGREGATION OF THE SACRED HEARTSof JESUS and MARY General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome
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Home / Library / SSCC Spirituality / Adoration
P Fontaine_Adoration in the Congregation, in Com-Union 4 (1998)
CG Mancilla_Place of the Adoration in the Congregation, in Com-Union 2 (1997)
M Bayo_Adoration (2005)
M Bayo_Adoration (2007)
M Bayo_Adoration (2009)
R Ferreiro-J Álvarez-Ossorio_Eucharistic Adoration
J García_Our adoration
R McNally_Eucharistic Adoration
G Rosas_Adoration (power point presentation)
A van Bruggen_On adoration (extracts)
JF Leandro_Adoration
Adoration (key words)
Andalucia_To return to our adoration
P Fanning_Personal adoration (2014)
Novice Masters
J.V. Odriozola Several pedagogical steps to re-initiate Personal Adoration
F. Kanyinda My experience of Adoration
M. Irawan Adorer and Adoration
J.L. Pérez Orientations to live Adoration
P. Fanning Just to it!
The Good Father is wounded on the left leg. The wound takes a long time to close. He will be laid up until April.