INDIA, Bhubaneswar: Celebration of the SSCC (08.06.2018)

INDIA, kolkata: Sisters and Brothers in Anjali Bhavan (19.05.2018)

INDIA, Serampore: blessing of the renewed church (06.05.2018), archbishop Thomas de Souza and Umakant Porichha sscc

INDIA, Bhubaneswar: SSCC novices celebrate the Feast of Saint Caprasius (20.10.2017)

INDIA, Gopalpur: Annual retreat of the Region of India (15.09.2017)

INDIA, Gopalpur: Annual retreat of the Region of India (15.09.2017)

INDIA, Calcutta: 11th Regional Assembly of India, blessing of the shrine (23.06.2014)

INDIA, Calcutta: 11th Regional Assembly of India, blessing of the shrine (23.06.2014)

INDIA, Calcutta: 11th Regional Assembly of India, blessing of the shrine (23.06.2014)

INDIA, Calcutta: 11th Regional Assembly of India (22.06.2014)

INDIA, Bhubaneswar: Canonical visitors Mary and Aurora visit the Brothers novitiate (17.03.2017)

INDIA, Bhubaneswar: Celebration of the Feast of Saint Joseph (20.03.2017)