INDIA, Bangalore: Saint Damien Seminary (29.09.2015)
INDIA, Bhubaneswar: Temporary Religious Vows of Arockia Nahashon Kulandai (08.08.2015)
INDIA, Bhubaneswar: Temporary Religious Vows of Arockia Nahashon Kulandai (08.08.2015)
INDIA, Bhubaneswar: Novitiate 2015 community and Sudhir Nayak (05.08.2015)
INDIA, Bhubaneswar: New SSCC novices in India for 2015-2016 (05.08.2015)
INDIA, Bhubaneswar: Beginning of the novitiate 2015 and Pat Crowley (05.08.2015)
INDIA, Jagannath Road, Cuttack: Stephen Banjare, new DSDI tuition center (01.07.2015)
GERMANY, Arnstein: At the sacristy (06.2015)
INDIA, Dangadighila, Kolkata: Temporary professed brothers with their formator Bibudha Nayak in the middle (06.2015)
INDIA, Gopalpur-on-Sea (Odisha): Regional Assembly (June 16-18, 2015)
INDIA, Bhubaneswar: Richard Kupo and some Brothers (20.06.2015)
INDIA, Khariguda: Tileswar's first mass (21.06.2015)