INDIA, Kolkata: Farewell to Fr Columban Crotty (10 Feb 2013)
INDIA, Kolkata: A token of appreciation to Fr Columban Crotty (10 Feb 2013)
INDIA, Choudwar: Alexis Nayak at the Renovation project of DSDI (7 Feb 2013)
INDIA, Choudwar: Tinathpalli Leprosy Colony (7 Feb 2013)
INDIA, Choudwar: Houses for cured leprosy patient (7 Feb 2013)
INDIA, Choudwar: Renovation of Leprosy Patients’ House (7 Feb 2013)
INDIA, Calcutta: Annual Assembly of the Region (Nov. 19-22, 2012)
INDIA, Calcutta: Annual Assembly of the Region (Nov. 19-22, 2012)
INDIA, Calcutta: Celebration of diaconate ordination of Br. Golok PORICHHA (Nov. 23, 2012)
INDIA, Calcutta: Celebration of Fr. Michael SHANAHAN’s Fiftieth Priestly Ordination Anniversary (Nov. 24, 2012)
INDIA, Calcutta: Celebration of Fr. Michael SHANAHAN’s Fiftieth Priestly Ordination Anniversary (Nov. 24, 2012)
INDIA, Calcutta: celebration of Fr. Michael SHANAHAN’s Fiftieth Priestly Ordination Anniversary (Nov. 24, 2012)