PERU, Lima: SSCC Christmas 2015 celebrations in Lima (25.12.2015)

PERU, Lima: Gathering of SSCC brothers, sisters and lay members (13.12.2015)

PERU, Lima: Meeting of Local Superiors of Colombia, Ecuador and Peru (22.09.2015)

PERU, Lima: Meeting of Local Superiors of Colombia, Ecuador and Peru (22.09.2015)

PERU, Lima: Perpetual Profession of Fraynet Franklin Astorga Yujra (12.06.2015)

PERU, Lima: Perpetual Profession of Fraynet Franklin Astorga Yujra (12.06.2015)

PERU, Lima: Perpetual Profession of Fraynet Franklin Astorga Yujra (12.06.2015)

PERU, Lima: An evening of prayer for Oscar Romero in Plaza Francia (23.05.2014)

PERU, Lima: An evening of prayer for Oscar Romero in Plaza Francia (23.05.2014)

PERU, Lima: An evening of prayer for Oscar Romero in Plaza Francia (23.05.2014)

PERU, Lima: Postulants-Aspirants Community (25.02.2015)

PERU, Huaripampa: Rufino VALERIANO HUAHUASONCCO, parish priest of "San Miguel Arcángel" (22.02.2015)