BRAZIL, Belo Horizonte: Novena to Blessed Eustaquio van Lieshout sscc (23.08.2021)

BRAZIL, Belo Horizonte: Marcio Ferreira de Souza, priest of Guarapari, visits Father Eustaquio church (18.08.2021)

BRAZIL, Belo Horizonte: Beginning of Postulancy (11.04.2021)

BRAZIL, Belo Horizonte: Feast of the Good Father (27.03.2021)

BRAZIL, Pindamonhangaba: Closing Mass of the Provincial Chapter (23.01.2021)

BRAZIL, Pindamonhangaba: The Superior General with the new Provincial Government (21.01.2021)

BRAZIL, Pindamonhangaba: The newly elected Provincial Superior Osvânio Humberto Mariano with the previous Superior, Sérgio Stein (20.01.2021)

BRAZIL, Pindamonhangaba: New Provincial Government of Brazil: Geraldo Abilio Ribeiro, Luiz Antonio da Silva, Edmar Aparecido de Oliveira, João Lucas Barbosa Alves (20.01.2021)

BRAZIL, Pindamonhangaba: the Superior General, Alberto Toutin with Osvanio Humberto Mariano new Provincial Superior of Brasil (20.01.2021)

BRAZIL, Pindamonhangaba: Provincial Chapter (18-23.01.2021)

BRAZIL, Pindamonhangaba: Provincial Chapter (18-23.01.2021)

BRAZIL, Pindamonhangaba: Provincial Chapter (18-23.01.2021)