CONGREGATION OF THE SACRED HEARTSof JESUS and MARY General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome
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09.07.2022INDIA, Dangadighila: Profession of Susant Badaseth (9.07.2022)
28.06.2022PERU, Lima: Perpetual profession of Cristhian Sullca (24.06.2022)
27.06.2022CHILE-ARGENTINA: Canonical visit (25 June - 6 August 2022)
22.06.2022INDIA, Kolkata: Assembly of the Region (21-24 June 2022)
21.06.2022INDIA, Kolkata: Inauguration of Damien House (20.06.2022)
08.06.2022IRELAND, Dublin: Ireland-England Assembly (June 6-8, 2022)
28.05.2022FRANCE, Paris: 151st anniversary of the martyrdom of our four Brothers from France (26.05.2022)
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The Good Father is wounded on the left leg. The wound takes a long time to close. He will be laid up until April.