CONGREGATION OF THE SACRED HEARTSof JESUS and MARY General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome
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30.07.2021POLAND, Polaniza-Zdrój: Polish Province celebrates its XIII Provincial Chapter (25-30 July, 2021)
28.07.2021GERMANY, Werne: Provincial Chapter (26-29.07.2021)
26.07.2021Visit to the International Community of Berlin (24-25.07.2021)
26.07.2021CHILE, Reñaca Alto: Diaconal ordination of Atilio Pizarro Lobos (25.07.2021)
24.07.2021CONGO, Kinshasa: Priestly ordination of Reagan Muyololo Nsimba (24.07.2021)
13.07.2021PHILIPPINES, Cavite: Temporary Profession of 6 brothers (09.07.2021)
26.06.2021MOZAMBIQUE, Marera: Priestly ordination of Eliseu Alfredo (26.06.2021)
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The Good Mother is named Superior for life and the vow formula is approved by the Capitular Vicars of Poitiers.