CONGREGATION OF THE SACRED HEARTSof JESUS and MARY General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome
For SSCC only
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24.02.2020MEXICO, Mexico D.F.: Priestly ordination of José Rodrigo Alcántara Serrano (21 February 2020)
24.02.2020SPAIN, El Escorial: Meeting of young SSCC in Initial Formation (21-23.02.2020)
24.02.2020ECUADOR, Canonical Visit to the Area (22 February - 3 March 2020)
19.02.2020SPAIN, El Escorial: Meeting of Superiors (Brothers and Sisters) of the Iberian Peninsula (14-15 February 2020)
13.02.2020COLOMBIA: Canonical Visit to the Area (10-21 February 2020)
10.02.2020INDIA, Gopalpur: The CAP Ministry Seminar (5-8 February 2020)
28.01.2020BRAZIL, Boraceia: Provincial Assembly (22-29.01.2020)
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The Good Father is wounded on the left leg. The wound takes a long time to close. He will be laid up until April.