CONGREGATION OF THE SACRED HEARTSof JESUS and MARY General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome
For SSCC only
Home / Images of latest events
18.11.20142014 Canonical Visit to Brazil and Paraguay (Brs)
25.10.2014Third Japan Philippines Provincial Chapter 2014 (Brothers)
24.10.2014Professions of Sisters in India 2014
24.10.2014Meeting of CAP in Tahiti 2014
23.09.2014SSCC Brothers Enlarged General Council in Rome 2014
12.09.2014Professions of Two SSCC Sisters in Madrid
12.09.2014Feast of Blessed Eustaquio in Bello Horizonte (Brs)
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The Good Father is wounded on the left leg. The wound takes a long time to close. He will be laid up until April.