CONGREGATION OF THE SACRED HEARTSof JESUS and MARY General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome
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30.04.2024D.R. CONGO, Kinshasa: Blessing of the Father Eustace College (29.04.2024)
29.04.2024INDONESIA, Bengkong: CAP and PAZ meeting begins (28.04.2024)
11.04.2024PHILIPPINES, Quezon City: Brothers and Sisters gatherings (10.04.2024)
03.04.2024POLAND, Polanica Zdrój: Provincial Chapter (02-09.04.2024)
22.03.2024FLANDERS, Leuven: Visit to the Delegation of Flanders (19-22.03.2024)
20.03.2024ITALY, Rome: 25 years of Religious Life of Margarita Orozco (19.03.2024)
28.02.2024ECUADOR, Guayllabamba: Assembly of the Ecuadorian Zone (26-29.02.2024)
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The Good Father is wounded on the left leg. The wound takes a long time to close. He will be laid up until April.