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Home / News / † Father Henrique SCHEEPENS sscc (Netherlands)

† Father Henrique SCHEEPENS sscc (Netherlands)

Fr. Henrique Scheepens, 83 years old, passed away on March 14, 2017 in Teteringen (Netherlands).

He entered the novitiate in 1953 and he was professed on September 24, 1954 in Niew-Ginneken (Netherlands).

He was ordained as a priest in ‘s-Hertogenbosch (Netherlands) on May 23, 1959.

He spent most of his life in Portugal, beginning in the Azores, in the Minor Seminary of the Congregation. In time, he lived in the neighborhood of Pedreira dos Húngaros, Algés (Lisbon), a shantytown of immigrants from Cape Verde, along with Francisco Waalders SSCC. There he had the idea of starting a community of young people linked to the Congregation. After the dismantling of the neighborhood, he was called to the parish of Charneca-Galinheiras. In July 2014 he had a stroke and had to return to Holland.


  • 1. Rich McNally ha scritto il 03/17/2017 alle 08:07:

    What a great brother, The heart of an ss.cc. missionary. I think of Jan also. How much the Scheepens gave to the Congregation. May they both intercede for us.

  • 2. Goyi Marin Plaza ha scritto il 03/16/2017 alle 22:26:

    Cuando llegamos las hermanas a Lisboa estaba Henrique de Regional, tuvimos una acogida extraordinaria. Un verdadero hermano. Enseguida empecé a trabajar con él en la Pastoral Juvenil, fueron unos años extraordinarios. Con él te sentías en casa, los jóvenes lo querían mucho, todos/todas lo queríamos. Fue un hermano de corazón joven, sensible al sufrimiento de los pobres, cercano, amigo. Desde el cielo seguirá intercediendo por todos. 

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