"In Jesus we find everything"

General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


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"To the heart nothing is far away" (Good Mother)

  • 25.06.2024Bioethics issues (Iberia) "Gender, gender identity and transsexuality" was the title of the IV UNIJES Bioethics Meeting (Loyola, Deusto, Comillas Bioethics Chair and Borja Institute of Bioethics), that was held in Madrid (Spain) from 7 to 9 June. On the 7th of June, Fernando Bueno, s...

  • 24.06.2024PJV, Education, Hainan and Closing of the pre-capitular sessions (Sisters) On Friday, June 21, the capitular sisters met online to continue sharing reactions to the various reports. On this day, they discussed the Plan of Accompaniment for Youth Vocation Ministry (PJV) and the Guidelines for SSCC Education. Monica Jimenez was in charge of the mod...

  • 23.06.2024Priestly Ordination of Pablo Bernal Rubio sscc (Ibérica) In a beautiful celebration presided over by José Ángel Saiz Meneses, Archbishop of Seville, and concelebrated by thirty priests, Pablo Bernal Rubio sscc was ordained priest in our parish in Seville, accompanied by many ss.cc. brothers, sisters, and secular b...

  • 22.06.2024More reports and PAC at the Pre-Chapter Sessions (Sisters) The pre-capitular sessions continue their course, on line. On June 19 and 20, as scheduled, the reports of the General Government, Initial Formation, General Administration and, on Thursday 20, the Apostolic Plan of the Congregation were worked on. Irene (Rene) Barboza ssc...

  • 20.06.2024Fifth Provincial Chapter of the United States Province On Sunday evening, June 16, 2024, the elect delegates and ex-officio members of the US Province’s 5th Provincial Chapter gathered at St. Anthony Retreat Center in Honolulu, Hawaii for the opening of the Chapter. After evening prayer, the chapter was opened and the p...

  • 20.06.2024Changes in Charleroi (Belgium) Towards the end of April, Claude Stockebrand sscc and Fernand Dussart sscc decided to leave their apartment on Quai de Arthur Rimbaud (Charleroi, Belgium) to move into a care home for the elderly. Since the death of Édouard Brion sscc, the flat has b...

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