29.08.2024What do you expect the General Chapter to do? - Kevin Kupe sscc, from the Province of Africa
What do you expect the General Chapter to do?
Kevin Kupe sscc, from the Province of Africa
The last six years have been marked by events that have hit us hard (perhaps to the point of weakening us), but have also opened our eyes to realise our weaknesses and to...

28.08.2024What do you expect the General Chapter to do? - Joaquín Molina sscc, from the Andean Province
What do you expect the General Chapter to do?
Joaquín Molina sscc, from the Andean Province
Personally, I would like the work for vocations to be strengthened. This feeling goes hand in hand with a look at the reality of the Church and of our re...

28.08.2024SAINT AUGUSTIN, Bishop and Doctor of the Church, Protector of the Congregation

27.08.2024Instagram SSCC (Rome)
Beginning in Rome, we open this account of the brothers and sisters of the Sacred Hearts. Next Sunday our General Chapters begin. Please remember to keep us present in your prayer.
The picture is of a graphic souvenir of the Poitiers Session that was held las...

27.08.2024First profession in Polanica (Poland)
On the 26th August, the Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Czestochowa, in our Monastery of Christ the King, Brother Maciej Koscielniak made his first profession. At 11.00 at the solemn Mass presided over by the Provincial Father Leszek Gólczynski sscc. Brothe...

26.08.2024What do you expect the General Chapter to do? - William Donegan sscc, from the Province of Japan-Philippines
What do you expect the General Chapter to do?
William Donegan sscc, from the Province of Japan-Philippines
The most common reality in the Congregation now is the diminishing number and the aging of our members. The Community here in Japan consists of brothers in th...