"In Jesus we find everything"

General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


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"To the heart nothing is far away" (Good Mother)

  • 27.08.2024First profession in Polanica (Poland) On the 26th August, the Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Czestochowa, in our Monastery of Christ the King, Brother Maciej Koscielniak made his first profession. At 11.00 at the solemn Mass presided over by the Provincial Father Leszek Gólczynski sscc. Brothe...

  • 26.08.2024What do you expect the General Chapter to do? - William Donegan sscc, from the Province of Japan-Philippines What do you expect the General Chapter to do? William Donegan sscc, from the Province of Japan-Philippines The most common reality in the Congregation now is the diminishing number and the aging of our members. The Community here in Japan consists of brothers in th...

  • 25.08.2024Summer Youth Days (Poland) The annual Summer Youth Days took place from 12 August to 18 August in Polanica. It was attended by 50 young people from our sscc parishes and other locations. The event was prepared by Fr. Wojciech Bartnicki sscc with the help of Fr Krzysztof Konras Kulhawiec and sscc yo...

  • 24.08.2024† Father Harald ADLER sscc (Germany) Father Harald, 87 years old, died on 23 August, 2024 in Werne (Germany). He entered the novitiate in 1956 and he was professed on 20 April 1957 in Burgbrohl (Germany). He was ordained a priest on 15 April 1962 in Simpelveld (Netherlands). May he rest in peace ...

  • 23.08.2024Letter of the Superior General - Together we walk in faithfulness and hope (Srs)

  • 22.08.2024New book by Felix Supranto (Indonesia)   Soon to be published by Felix Supranto sscc, from the Province of Indonesia, is his 33rd book with the title "Be grateful, his miracles are real". When we are grateful for everything that happens, we open ourselves to God's miracles. God...

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