"In Jesus we find everything"

General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


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"To the heart nothing is far away" (Good Mother)

  • 02.05.2019 Assembly of the Delegation of the Netherlands (Brs) On Tuesday, April 30, the Assembly of the Delegation of the Netherlands took place in Teteringen (The Netherlands).   All of the members of the Assembly, both from Belgium and the Netherlands, participated.  In total there were a total of 15 participants, i...

  • 01.05.2019Lunes de agua's” (Monday of the waters) in El Encinar (Salamanca) On the afternoon of 29th April, the brothers in the novitiate community in El Encinar celebrated "Lunes de aguas”, an old tradition of Salamanca that was connected to the end of Lent.  This annual celebration is usually accompanied by eating the classic di...

  • 30.04.2019Easter meeting of the area of Japan (Brs) From 23-25 April, the annual Easter Meeting of all SSCC members of the Japan area took place in Tomobe (Japan).  Jovy Gabage sscc (Philippines) also participated.    

  • 29.04.2019† Sister Cornelia Van der Rijt, sscc (Nederland) Sister Cornelia Van der Rijt, 86 years old, died on April 28, 2019 in Nuland, Nederland. She entered the novitiate in 1957 in Meerssen (Nederland) and she pronounced her perpetual vows on August 3rd, 1963 in Paris – France.

  • 29.04.2019Perpetual Profession of Bimla Kujur, India On 27th April, the perpetual profession of Bimla Kujur, ss.cc., ??took place in the parish of St. Vincent de Paul, Bhubaneswar, India.  In a family spirit, sisters, brothers, relatives and friends celebrated the Eucharist during which Bimla committed herself, through the ...

  • 29.04.2019"Getekend Damiaan": a comic book on Damien "Getekend Damiaan" ("Signed, Damien") is a successful comic book that was first published in Belgium in 2017 and which has already sold more than 4000 copies.  The text is by Bart Maessen and Ruben Boon, with illustrations by Mandy Van Passel. &nb...

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