07.12.2018Perpetual Profession of Nélida Condori, Bolivia (Srs)
The celebration of the perpetual profession of Nélida Condori ss.cc, from Bolivia, began on November 30th at night, with an Adoration to give thanks to the Lord for the life of Nélida. On December 1st, at 5:00 p.m., in La Paz School, ...

07.12.2018Closure of the Territory of Paraguay - Bolivia (Srs)
On November 30, 2018 the Territory of Paraguay - Bolivia celebrated twelve years of journeying together. After the 36th General Chapter, Paraguay became part of the Territory of Chile and Bolivia of the Territory of Peru - Brazil - Mexi...

07.12.2018Letter of the Superior General - ECHOES OF ASSISI (Brs)

06.12.2018Continental Seminar on the Care and Protection of Minors
The Caribbean and Latin American Confederation of Religious (CLAR) recently organised a Continental Seminar on the Care and Protection of Minors, called "Let us act quickly to take care of the lives of children and adolescents”. The seminar took place in ...

05.12.2018Canonical visitation of Provincial at Skolasticate Griya Tyas Dalem Yogyakarta (Brs)
The last day of the canonical visitation of Father Provincial, Bonifasius Payong sscc at Skolasticate Griya Tyas Dalem Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
1st year of profession
2nd year of profession
3rd year of profession
4th year in temporary vow...

05.12.2018Dies Natalis of Fr. ALEXIS BACHELOT sscc