"In Jesus we find everything"

General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


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"To the heart nothing is far away" (Good Mother)

  • 02.11.2018All Souls Day visit to Campo Verano in Rome (Brs) As an annual custom in Italy, SSCC brothers Generalate community went to visit the cemeteries of our Sacred Hearts brothers and sisters in Campo Verano on All Souls Day, 2 November 2018. This year there are 5 brothers: Sergio Silva, David Reid, Remi Liando, Alberto Toutin...

  • 24.10.2018† Fr. Francisco BOLUDA PÉREZ sscc (Mexico) Father Francisco Boluda Pérez, 95 years old, passed away on 24 October 2018 in Mexico City, Mexico. He entered the novitiate in 1938 and was professed in 1939. He was ordained a priest in 1946 in Spain. Upon his arrival in Mexico, he was in charge for many year...

  • 17.10.2018Immersion Program of Preparation for Final Vows in the Philippines (Brs) From 7 September until 8 October 2018 the brother participants of the Preparation for Final Vows went through an Immersion Program in the Philippines. There were two groups being sent to the two parishes of SSCC mission; one to Bagong Silang and the other to Bagbag. Both ...

  • 16.10.2018Assembly of the Dutch Delegation in Tetteringen (Brs) On 16 October 2018  the Assembly of the brothers of the Dutch delegation took place in Teteringen. There were 13 brothers participating, and Mrs. Anne-Margritte, the personal manager of the house as well as Mr. Alex, the econome of the Delegation. Ther Superior G...

  • 14.10.2018Canonization in Piazza San Pietro at the Vatican The Sunday of October 14, 2018 will go down in history as the day in which the Church recognizes Romero and Montini as authentic witnesses of our faith in the midst of the ecclesial as well as social challenges and tensions of the 20th century. Human and divine justice is...

  • 11.10.2018Anniversary of the CANONIZATION of DAMIEN DE VEUSTER

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