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General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


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"To the heart nothing is far away" (Good Mother)

  • 21.09.2018Appointment of Sergio Pérez de Arce sscc as Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Chillán in Chile (Brs) Pope Francis today appointed our brother Sergio Pérez de Arce Arriagada sscc as Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of San Bartolomé de Chillán. Pope Francisco decided to accept the resignation of the bishop of Chillán, Carlos Pellegrin. He ...

  • 19.09.2018Papal Audience of the General Chapters 2018 (Brs & Srs) On Wednesday, 19 September 2018, around 80 brothers and sisters of SSCC Congregation participated in a General Audience at the Vatican’s Saint Peter Square. At the end of the Audience, the Holy Father came down to greet the two new Superiors General. He also as...

  • 18.09.2018New General Councilors Sisters: Aurora Laguarda (vicar general), Claudia Margarita Orozco, Goyi Marín.    Brothers: Fernando Cordero (Iberica), Derek Laverty (Ireland-England), Jean-Blaise Mwanda (Africa) y Thomas Sukotriraharjo (Indonesia)...

  • 17.09.2018New General Superiors   Today, September 17, at 3:00 p.m. for the sisters and at 3:30 p.m. for the brothers, the election of the Superiors General began. In the first ballot Alberto Toutin obtained the necessary majority. Javier Álvarez-Ossorio, who chaired the session, ask...

  • 05.09.2018Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta   Mass and Lectionary  

  • 04.09.2018Letter of the General Chapters to Pope Francis The General Chapters of brothers and sisters of the Sacred Hearts, have given Francisco a letter of support to his ministry, showing the availability of the Congregation and the prayer for him. Fernando Cordero sscc handed it to him after the mass in Santa Marta. &nbs...

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