31.07.2018Anniversary of François Rion, Priest

26.07.2018† Sister Maria Javier Echecopar Talleri, ss.cc (Perú)
Sister Maria Javier (Ana Teresa) Echecopar Talleri, 81 years old, died on July 25, 2018 in Lima, Perú. She entered the novitiate in 1956 in Chosica, Peru, and she pronounced her perpetual vows on February 11, 1964 in Chosica, Perú.

26.07.2018† Father Léopold DE REYES DEL VALLE sscc (France)
Father Léopold De Reyes Del Valle, 92 years old, passed away on 26 July 2018 in the hospital Dupuytren de Draveil, near Montgeron (France).
He entered the novitiate in 1945 and he was professed on 21 April 1946 in Lima, Peru.
He was ordained a priest in Ch&...

22.07.2018† Fr. Jesús HIERRO LABARGA sscc (Spain)
Father Jesús Hierro Labarga, 85 years old, passed away on 22 July 2018 in El Escorial, Spain.
He entered the novitiate in 1951 and he was professed on 8 September 1952, in El Escorial, Spain.
He was ordained a priest in Madrid (Spain) on 22 March 1958.

17.07.2018† Fr. Karl Rainer GAIPL sscc (Germany)
Fr. Karl Rainer Gaipl, 84 years old, passed away on 17 July 2018 in Bad Breisig (Germany).
He entered the novitiate in 1956 and was professed on 20 April 1957 in Burgbrohl (Germany).
He was ordained a priest in Simpelveld (Netherland) on 15 April 1962.

17.07.2018Blessed Carmelites of Compiegne, Virgins and Martyrs