27.04.2018Letter of the Superior General - COME AND SEE (Srs)

23.04.2018Assembly of the Dutch Delegation (Brs)
On April 23, the assembly of the Delegation of the Netherlands took place in Teteringen. Ten (10) brothers ?of the fourteen (14) that make up the Delegation? attended. Mrs. Anne-Margriet, responsible for the care of the elderly and sick brothers was also present. Ja...

22.04.2018Anniversary of the blessing of the PICPUS CHAPEL

21.04.2018Preparation of the General Chapters (brothers and sisters)
The preparation of the next General Chapters to be held in Rome, from August 28 to September 28, continues.
The General Governments of the brothers and sisters have been wo...

16.04.2018† Sister Irma TINON, sscc (France)
Sister Irma Tinon, 103 years old, died on April 16, 2018 in Poitiers, France.
She entered the novitiate in 1936 in Paris (France) and she pronounced her perpetual vows on August 9, 1940 in Laval, France.

15.04.2018DIES NATALIS OF SAINT DAMIEN DE VEUSTER, Anniversary of his death.