24.06.2017Letter 46 of the Superior General – IDENTIFIED WITH THE REPARATIVE WORK OF JESUS (Srs)
22.06.201724 hours of SSCC adoration (brothers and sisters)
On this day, June 22, eve of the solemnity of the Sacred Heart, the SSCC communities all over the world are having an hour of adoration at 20:00 (8 p.m.), following the time zones of each country. That means that the whole Congregation will make continual adoration for 24 hour...
20.06.2017† Sister Lucía Jaén Sánchez, ss.cc (Spain)
19.06.2017† Father Hubertus LUYTEN sscc (Brazil)
18.06.2017Annual retreat and assembly in Dublin (brothers and sisters)
The Brothers, Sisters and Lay Associates of the Ireland-England province had their annual retreat and assembly in Dublin from 11-16th June. Martina Lehane Sheehan a retreat master and psychotherapist from Cork took as her theme: "Contemplative Prayer and Its Fruits.&...
16.06.2017CIAL Novitiate in solidarity with the families of Huallaringa Centro (Lima) (brothers)
On June 14, the popular Sacred Hearts dining room was inaugurated in Huallaringa Centro (Lima), an initiative of a group of women to cook food together for their families. The novices approached these families a few months ago, when heavy rains, landslides and the overflo...