01.03.2018Anniversary of the birth and baptism of the GOOD FATHER
God of Mercy,
We want to give you thanks
For the life and heritage
Of our Founder
The Good Father,
Who made the Bread of Life
From love and the Eucharist,
The centre of his generous self-givi...

28.02.2018Visit of the General Econome to Africa (brothers)
During the month of February, the General Econome, Raja Sebastian, visited the African province. He had a time to visit all the communities and the work of the Congregation in Africa. He stayed 14 days in Kinshasa (D.R. of Congo) visiting Mikondo (professed brothers), La ...

28.02.2018Meeting of the Team for the Causes of the Good Mother and Good Father (Brs & Srs)
The team met in Rome (general house of brothers and sisters) February 27 through 28, 2018. This team is: Miss Teresa Borrelli (Italian lawyer) specialist in the development of causes) is working on the dossiers (canonical term is positio) for both causes, Sr. Jeanne...

26.02.2018The General House in Via Rivarone 85 under the snow (Brs)
It rarely snows in Rome, but on the early morning of the 26th of February 2018 snow storm came in abundance. The last time it snowed in Rome was in February 2012. The snow covered trees and rooftops look beautiful, but the snow surely disrupts transportation in Rome. The ...

25.02.2018Encounter of Initial Formation in Spain (Brs & Srs)
This past weekend (February 23-25), there was the traditional get together of brothers, sisters and formators at El Escorial, Spain. This year and for the first time, it was the turn of Albert Gaitan sscc and Ignacio Cervera sscc to prepare the event. They did so in...

25.02.2018† Fr. Enrique MORENO LAVAL, sscc (Chile)
Fr. Enrique Moreno Laval, 76 years old, passed away on 25 February 2018 in Quito (Ecuador).
He entered the novitiate in 1960, and he was professed on 16 April 1961 in Los Perales (Chile).
He was ordained a priest in Santiago (Chile) on 29 June 1968.