"In Jesus we find everything"

General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


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"To the heart nothing is far away" (Good Mother)

  • 21.02.2018Closing of Flanders Provincial Chapter (Brs) The brothers of the Province of Flanders met in Chapter February 19 through 21. There were 11 Capitulants, a representative of the General Government, Camille Sapu, and a Secretary of the Acts, Lut Gees and the Provincial Treasurer, Bart Verbesselt. This Chapter is the la...

  • 20.02.2018Letter 52 of the Superior General – LOOKING AFTER LIFE (Srs)

  • 20.02.2018Provincial Chapter of Flanders (Brs) From 19 to 21 February 2018 the SSCC Province of Flanders celebrates its Provincial Chapter in Louvain. The elected Provincial Government consists of: - Gilbert De Decker (Provincial) - Juliaan Vandekerkhove (Vicar) - Maurits Gilissen (councilor) - Lou...

  • 19.02.2018Meeting of the 4th Stage of Initial Formation begins (Brs) The Brothers Generalate in Rome has slowly been filling up since the weekends as formators from 11 provinces and 1 region arrived one by one in Rome for the Meeting of the Fourth Stage Initial Formation. They are Crispin Badinga (Africa), Marisi Palepale (USA), Patrisius ...

  • 17.02.2018Ordinations of deacons in Belo Horizonte, Brazil (Brs) On Saturday, February 17, the province of Brazil experienced the joy of having two new deacons: Edmar Aparecido de Oliveira sscc and João Lucas Barbosa Alves sscc. The Eucharistic was celebrated  at the parish "Sacred Hearts", Sanctuary of Health...

  • 15.02.2018SSCC in Tonga and the Cyclone Gita (brothers) The Kingdom of Tonga in the South Pacific, where three of our SSCC brothers are missioned - Fr. Clyde Guerreiro, Fr. Paul Zaccone, Fr. Brian Guerrini - was stuck by a powerful cyclone on Monday the 12th of February. The winds were 100 mph and devastated the Island Country. Tha...

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