29.11.2016Feast of the Good Mother in Kinshasa, RD Congo (Brs & Srs)
Sunday November 25, 2016, we celebrated the Feast of the Good Mother at the postulancy house of the brothers in Kinshasa. All the brothers and sisters of the Congregation were present as well as some members of the Secular Branch. Everything started at 4:30 with Ado...

27.11.2016† Sister Claudina GALÁN ABRIL, sscc (Ecuador)
Sister Claudina Galán, 92 years old, died on November 27, 2016 in Medellin, Colombia.
She entered the novitiate in 1942 in San José de Rumipamba (Ecuador) and she pronounced her perpetual vows on August, 22, 1947 in San José de Rumipamba, Ecuador....

24.11.2016† Sr. Angèle CHEVALLIER, sscc (France-Québec)

24.11.2016Celebration of the Good Mother in Picpus
At noon on the 23rd of November 2016, eighteen SSCC Sisters and Brothers of France celebrate the Dies Natalis of Good Mother, Henriette Aymer de la Chevalerie, at the house where the foundress lived for many years at Rue de Picpus in Paris.
Unlike the gloomy sky of th...

19.11.2016Assembly of formators of CIAL (brothers)
From November 14 to 20 all the formators in Latin America gathered together in Chaclacayo, Lima (Peru) for their assembly. The first two days were allocated to sharing information on the formation stages, starting with the Postulancy: Mexico, Ecuador (“Andina”...

17.11.2016† Sr. Marie-Claire DUMONT sscc (Pacific-U.S.A.)