"In Jesus we find everything"

General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


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"To the heart nothing is far away" (Good Mother)

  • 27.01.2025Young SSCC today Following the recent General Chapter, our brother Camille Sapu sscc offers us this reflection on young people. Link to the article: https://acortar.link/bVEVei  

  • 26.01.2025Re-election of the Provincial Superior (Indonesia) On Sunday, January 26, during the Provincial Chapter, Pankras Olak sscc was re-elected as Provincial Superior. The Superior General present at the Chapter has confirmed the election. We join in prayer for Pankras and the Province of Indonesia.

  • 26.01.2025Preparation of Final Vows The Preparation for Final Vows takes place at the Novitiate Community in Manila, Philippines. It is held from January 20 to July 7, 2025. The team of this Preparation for Final Vows consists of Maria Vidal, Puspharani Arputham, Saráh Ngunda, and Anastasia Puji Hast...

  • 25.01.2025Medical Camp (India) On January 23rd, a medical camp was held at Sanjeevani Old Age Home, organized by DSDI. The event provided a comprehensive free medical check-up for 25 elderly residents, offering a range of health services to address their specific needs. Trained medical professionals co...

  • 24.01.2025Meeting of the Commission for Spiritual and Historical Patrimony (Rome) On Thursday, January 23, the first meeting of the Commission for Spiritual and Historical Patrimony took place at the General House in Via Rivarone. The commission is composed of Beatriz Montaner, Andrzej Lukawski, Jean-Blaise Mwanda, Noemí García, Ér...

  • 23.01.2025Profession of Douglas Alves dos Santos (Brasil) On Saturday, January 18, 2025, the First Profession of Brother Douglas Alves dos Santos, sscc, took place at the Parish of St. Damien of Molokai – Patrocínio, MG. The celebration was presided over by the Provincial Superior, Father Osvânio Humberto ...

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