07.03.2009Third SS.CC. Mission Seminar for Asia (Brs and Srs)
From March 3-7, 2009 the third SS.CC. Mission Seminar for Asia gathered in the center "Deo Gratias" near Bandung. The title of the meeting was: Community of memory and Spirit.
The participants were 35: 20 brothers (10...

22.02.2009The Consistory (February 21, 2009) During the Consistory of February 21, 2009, Pope Benedict XVI announced the date of the Canonization of Fr. Damien which will be celebrated on October 11, 2009.
Present were the Superior General, Javier Álvarez-Ossorio ss.cc., the Gen...

21.02.2009Announcement of the date of the Canonization of Fr. Damien De Veuster
Announcement of the date
of the Canonization of Fr. Damien De Veuster
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
It is with great joy that we write to tell you that the Holy Father has just anno...

29.01.2009Meeting of the General Commission of Initial Formation (Brs)
From 26 to 31 January, at the House General, takes place the meeting of the General Commission of Initial Formation. The participants are the IF coordinators of the Conferences of Asia (Lambert Enga), Latin America (David de la Torre), United States (Clyde Gu...

27.01.2009Official opening of the diocesan documents of the Good Mother Dear Sisters and Brothers,
As you know, on Friday 24th October, 2008, we celebrated the closing of the diocesan process for the Canonization of the Good Mother at the mother house of the Congregation in Paris. It ...

22.01.2009Inmaculada Loma-Ossorio ss.cc. was reelected Provincial of Paraguay-Bolivia (Srs) Inmaculada Loma-Ossorio ss.cc. was reelected Provincial of Paraguay-Bolivia for a three year term on January, 22. The election took place during the Provincial Chapter being held in Ciudad del Este (Paraguay). The election was then confirmed by the Superio...