"In Jesus we find everything"

General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


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"To the heart nothing is far away" (Good Mother)

  • 07.11.2007General Government's meeting with the Coordinators of the Interprovincial Conferences (Brs)       From the 5th to the 9th of November, the General Government meets with the Coordinators of the Interprovincial Conferences, who are: Bill Petrie (USC), Yohanes Antun Wardoyo (CAP), Raúl Pariamachi (CIAL) and Juan Manuel de Mula (CEA).  ...

  • 05.11.2007“SS.CC. Spiritual Itinerary” Commission: Oct. 31st - Nov. 3rd      The ad hoc commission to develop an “SS.CC. Spiritual Itinerary” had its first meeting October 31 to November 3 in Rome. The two General Governments created the commission in response to the joint decision of the 2006 General Chapters of B...

  • 01.11.2007November: prayer for the deceased      "In our prayer we express the communion that continues to bind us to the deceased brothers and sisters of our Congregation." (art. 56, Brothers' Constitutions)     "In our prayer of intercession or of praise, we are ...

  • 25.10.2007Meeting of the General Government with the Major Superiors (Srs)          Monday, 22 October, the meeting of the 10 Majors Superiors of the Congregation with the General Government began. This meeting took place in the Generalate, at via Aurelia, Rome.         The m...

  • 24.10.2007Meeting of the General Government with the new Major Superiors, October 20-22, 2007 (Brs)   Chronicle         The meeting of the General Government with the new Major Superiors is already in its third day. On Sunday, the 21st, after evening prayer and supper, the superior of the community in Rome, Juan Luis Schueste...

  • 23.10.2007Log Cabins for Peace     “Our presence in the Kosovo was supercool; hospitality was simply fabulous.” You can still feel the enthusiasm when Nadja Laumann talks about her time in Peja. She travelled to this place in the midst of the “Rugova Mountains”, that sh...

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