From August 28 evening until August 30 took place at the Retreat House San José de El Escorial (Madrid ), the Assembly of the brothers of the Iberian Province . Enrique Losada , Provincial Superior , began the meeting with a prayer. Later he explained some issues to take into account for the 2nd Provincial Chapter to be held in March 2014. Then, by groups, the around 60 brothers attending the assembly, have discussed about the issues that could be addressed in the Provincial Chapter , although will be the Precapitular Commission who will set them up. Then, there was a moment for sharing the reflections and the day finished with an adoration, prepared by the community of Miranda de Ebro , which had as background the figure of St. Augustine , whose feast is celebrated on this day .
August 29has revolved around Vocation Ministry . For this, we counted with the presence of the Jesuit Ignacio Dinnbier, Arrupe Center director and former National Delegate of Vocational Ministry of the Jesuits in Spain . His presentation spun around three points : to enable the vocational , to propose the vocational and to think the vocational . After, the brothers have reacted, in groups, to the presentation and questions have been prepared to be submitted to Ignacio. The morning concluded with the Eucharist, presided by Francisco Piñero, who concelebrated with their brothers of the community of Malaga.
The evening began with the questions that have been launched to the expert in Vocations , in which the brothers have also been intervening . After the break, Enrique Losada has detailed to the brothers the document coming from the General Government about the guidelines on sexual abuse . The adoration, prepared by Torrelavega community, has put the final moment to the day, proposing the 3 icons of the last General Chapter .
The last day of the assembly, August 30 , began with a prayer, prepared by the community of San Marcos (Seville), around the figure of Blessed Eustaquio van Lieshout on the day of his memorial. The Provincial Government provided some information and also brothers have formulated their questions and received answers to them . Nacho Moreno made the presentation of the provincial calendar for the next year. The assembly concluded with the Mass of Blessed Eustaquio, presided over by Enrique Losada and concelebrated by the brothers of his council.