The Vice-Provincial Assembly attended by Camille Sapu Malangu sscc of the General Government and Francisco Gorissen sscc of the Province of Flanders took place in Chinauta (Cundinamarca), January 16 -20 2017
The event was an intense time of work, reflection, discussion, prayer, consultations, celebration and fraternal sharing. There were various reports, from the Vice-Provincial Government, from finances and from vocation ministry. The Assembly then concentrated on an analysis of the Plan of Apostolic Religious Life (PARL) of the future new province (Peru-Ecuador-Colombia) and the statutes. Brothers made important suggestions regarding the process that has been going on in the configuration of the new province.
Taking advantage of breaks in the Assembly schedule, our brothers Elkin Jair Collazos Carvajal sscc and Jesus Fabián Cifuentes sscc received the ministry of the acolyte and Isaac Moreno sscc received the ministry of lector.
At the Eucharist on Thursday we thanked God for the 25 years of religious life of our brothers Eli Perdomo sscc and Leonardo Calderón sscc. At the end of the Thanksgiving Eucharist, we enjoyed a fraternal agape enlivened by song.
On Friday, the brothers evaluated the Assembly. Then, our brother Andrés Ordóñez Semanate sscc, who made his novitiate in Lima (Peru), made his religious profession. The vice-provincial, Arley Guarín sscc, presided over the celebration at which his family and some people close to Andrés and the Congregation were present. Andres will be a short time with his family and then return to Chile to join the Interprovincial Community of Professed of San Juan in Santiago de Chile.
We give thanks to God for our brother and also for this valuable time in which almost all the brothers of the Vice-Province participated.