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The assembly took place from 27 to 30 January. In a first moment the Government report was presented and commented among all. Then Leon Silva, director of Initial Formation, presented what was this in the viceprovince this year. From there the brothers proceeded to a reflection on vocation ministry. The Claretian Miller Fernández shared his experience of work and accompaniment of young people with vocational interest. In this moment Vocation Ministry is a priority for the Viceprovince.
After that, Luis Alberto Hernández, along with the accountant of the Congregation, presented the financial report of the Viceprovince.
Next, a first reflection on the Project of Apostolic Religious Life (PARL) of the Viceprovince began. The Viceprovincial Chapter has asked the Government to animate the process of reworking the PARL, what will be done in three phases: work by communities, synthesis work by a committee, contributions of the visitation of the General Government. A first draft of the new PARL will be reviewed at the June 2014 assembly of the viceprovince.
All the week had an atmosphere of brotherhood and sharing life experiences of this year. The assembly concluded with the renewal of vows by Jesús Fabián Cifuentes, who have lived last year in Peru for his pastoral year.
Víctor Hugo, Fabián Cifuentes and Elí Perdomo
Victor Hugo, "El paisa", celebrating his birthday