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General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


Home / News / Blessing of the new Novitiate house of Japan-Philippines (Brs)

Blessing of the new Novitiate house of Japan-Philippines (Brs)

May 10, the Feast of St. Damien of Molokai. In keeping with the feast the brothers of the province of the Philippines together with the sisters gathered for a splendid and happy celebration of the benediction of the new novitiate house in Silang Cavite, Philippines.

The Bishop of Imus (Cavite) Most Reverend Reynaldo Evangelista blessed the new house. The ceremony began with a ribbon-cutting and then after an introductory prayer, the bishop and people together in procession went to the chapel for the consecration of the altar. The blessing of the different rooms and the offices followed.

After the ceremony there was a reception made all the more enjoyable by a short program to entertain the guests. A brother in temporary vows offered two songs and another brother, visiting from Japan graced the gathering with folkloric material on the harmonica. There was a brief message from the Novice master, Oscar Jegaut sscc and then a final prayer and song to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

The provincial Kenji Honma sscc was present together with the provincial councilors, Sri Waluyo sscc and Abraham Aquinaldo sscc. The presence of the professed brothers, of the recently ordained deacon Archie as also of the different communities of sisters made for a complete get-together.

We cannot forget the help of the different persons who made this celebration possible such as the community  of “barangay” (“barrio”) the local parochial council, the visitors coming from Japan, the people of the various parishes served by the Congregation and above all the workers and the benefactors who with their powerful generosity made it so that the new house would be finished and blessed.

We thanks the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary for this significant event which fills our hearts with joy, prayer and fraternity.

To the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, honor and glory! 


  • 1. Juanita Gómez Loayza ha scritto il 05/11/2017 alle 06:03:

    Un bello motivo de acción de Gracias a Dios por la gran esperanza que genera la apertura de dicha casa.
    Cuentan con nuestras oraciones.