The canonical visit to the community of Anjali Bhavan in Kolkata, India, took place from November 4 to 11. The community is composed of 6 sisters: Pushpa Rani (who is preparing to go to the Philippines), Sagaya Rani, Bimla Kujur, Sangita Kullu, Jabita Baliarsingh and Alexandria Martin, (who will make her perpetual vows on November 23); and a prenovice: RajKumari Behera.
Patricia and Aurora participated in the life and mission of the sisters, talking with them and visiting the places where they carry out their apostolates. They were pleasantly impressed by the work of the sisters among the most vulnerable, responding to the priorities of the CAP. In an atmosphere of listening to the Spirit and mutual respect, the most important challenges facing the community were shared.
On this occasion they did not have the opportunity to meet with the brothers, as they were on retreat, but they did meet with the priests of the parish and with the Bishop, who valued very positively the presence of the sisters and their involvement in the parish and in the diocese.
There was also time to visit the "Victoria Memorial" as well as the Mother House of Teresa of Calcutta and Kaligath, the first house she founded.