With Holy Week celebrated, the General Government has returned to Canonical Visits. The Superior General Emperatriz Arrobo and Goyi Marín have travelled to Colombia where they are conducting the visit which began at the Provincial House, Bogotá, on April 1 with the Provincial Council meeting and will end on 29 March. The visit will continue with the communities: Las Mesaas, La Merced de Pereira, Nuestra Señora de la Paz and St. Damian in Medellin. In this place they will meet with the various committees and will have the meeting with the sisters of the nearest communities. In Bogota, they will visit some sscc brothers.
Aurora Laguarda and Mary McCloskey are doing the visit to the Province of Pacific-USA which began in Hawai´i. On April 25 they will come to Fairhaven (Massachusetts) to continue the visit in that part of the Province.
The follow-up will be the canonical visit to Ecuador during the month of May which Alicia Mamani, Goyi Marín, Mary McCloskey and Aurora Laguarda will undertake.