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General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


Home / News / Celebration of the SSCC in Bogota (Colombia)

Celebration of the SSCC in Bogota (Colombia)

On June 12, 2015 the brothers at the Viceprovincial house in Bogota celebrated the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus with the communities of brothers “Bruno Benati”, “Damien of Molokai”. The directors of the children's homes, the principal of San Damien School, the management team of the foundation, the vice secretary and some sscc sisters who live in the Provincial house in Bogota were also present.

To begin, we celebrated the Eucharist, presided by Fr. Arley Guarín Sosa sscc. He told us about the human heart and the heart of God, referring to the emotional and moral life of Jesus, especially his love for humanity: by agony and passion he has known and loved us all and gave himself for each of us. Arley invited all the participants to do everything from the heart, offering our best to fulfill the mission that each has received. The Heart of Jesus, who is moved every time there is someone suffering, must also move us to pain with those who cry out in pain.

The celebration ended with a time of adoration, to contemplate in silence the mystery of incarnated love, made history in Jesus. We prayed in particular for the health of Fr. Leon Silva sscc, and gave thanks for each one of the works: parishes, schools, Foundation and Corporation “Men – Brothers”.

After that we shared a lunch prepared by Doña Marina. The presence of León Silva sscc, recovering from his illness, was a joy for everyone.
