Filled with so many favors from the God of all mercy, be careful, beloved brothers and dear sisters, not to forget the greatness of our vocation. We are destined to adore the Heart of Jesus, to repair the outrages which he receives everyday. We must enter into the interior suffering of the Sacred Heart.
One of our principal duties is to retrace the four ages of the life of the God-man, his childhood, his hidden life, his apostolic life and his crucified life. Let us not loose sight of the fact that our Lord wants us to enter especially into the interior crucifixion of his Heart. Therefore, like Magdalene we must remain as his feet and like St. John we must accompany him all the way to the cross...
Remember also, beloved brothers and dear sisters, that after the adorable Heart of Jesus, we must especially honor the most sweet heart of Mary. The Blessed Virgin was conceived without sin, born with all virtues, and never tempted. From all time sh
e was predestined to be the mother of God. She merited this unique grace, first by her complete fidelity to God’s grace and then by the three virtues she practiced eminently at the moment the Angel came to tell her the great news. The first is her love for virginity. The second is her humility. The third, which is the complement of all, is her perfect abandonment to the will of God out of pure love for him.
When our Lord was conceived in her womb, she had an awareness of the life, the suffering and the death of her divine Son and she received in her heart the same wound that Our Lord would receive at his passion. In other words, the Blessed Virgin experienced a sorrow that would be with her until the moment when the angels lifted her to heaven. Mary’s love for Jesus increased right up to the moment of her glorious assumption. A sentiment like that had to grow, otherwise it would diminish.
The Blessed Virgin never experienced the malice of sin or the corruption of the human heart. She only experienced the sorrow it causes God. That is why she is so greatly merciful.
In our suffering let us console ourselves remembering that Mary is always our protector, our support, that we will always have a special place in her heart. When God seems to withdraw we must have recourse to her in our suffering, in our desolation and in our infidelity. She will pray for us, if we go to her instead of loosing heart...

We are becoming more numerous all the time. It seems that our divine Master is opening his Heart to us and saying, “Come to me, or rather, you are wholly mine.” Therefore, let us be his without reserve, if we want to obtain our reward.
“O Jesus Christ, behold the children of your divine Heart gathered before you in sorrow. We are aware of our sins and the numberless iniquities which inundate France and the whole world. Unworthy as we are, we come to you as victims. Hold back the sword of sacrifice, so that by sharing your hidden life, zeal for your mission might consume us and we might live, suffer and die for you, who are forever our life and our all.”
Prayer of the Good Father, in “Memoires sur la Congregation, Livre 1”, p. 26