This past weekend (February 23-25), there was the traditional get together of brothers, sisters and formators at El Escorial, Spain. This year and for the first time, it was the turn of Albert Gaitan sscc and Ignacio Cervera sscc to prepare the event. They did so in a creative and original way. The theme was “Let yourself be surprised: the surprise and joy of religious life.”
Things got going on Friday evening with a lively entertainment in which in an anonymous and anecdotal style a story was told of a participant. The goal was to guess of whom the story was told.
Saturday morning began with a time of retreat after which in groups, we shared how things have been since last year. For the afternoon participants, through workshops devoted to handcrafts, expressed how they live out distinct aspects of religious life. The day ended with a treasurable time of Adoration and the evening had its share of fun, plenty of laughs and not a few songs.
Sunday morning, Maria Vidal sscc and Alphonse Fraboulet sscc told in a feeling and engaging way, how they have left themselves open to surprise in their years of religious life. The event ended with Eucharist. There was time for rambling around and sharing stories that heal.