The Commission coordinating the preparations for the beatification of the Paris Martyrs of 1871 met for the last time on Tuesday, May 23. The meeting place was the Sanctuary of Notre Dame de la Salette in Paris, where the tomb of Bl. Henri Planchat RSV, is located. He was beatified together with our brothers from Picpus on April 22 this year. The meeting began with midday prayer at the tomb of the Blessed Henri after which the participants went to the house of the local Community of the Religious of St. Vincent de Paul.
The Superior of the French Province of the Religious of St. Vincent de Paul, Fr. Gilles Morin, who coordinated the work of the entire Commission, and Fr. Andrzej Lukawski, Postulator General of the SSCC, thanked all members of the Commission for the very well-done work, which was appreciated by so many people who participated in the beatification. The members were then presented with some souvenirs that had been prepared. The group then sat down for a meal during which there was an opportunity to share impressions from the ceremony and celebrate with joy the occasion.