After finishing their novitiate year, brother Wulfstan Harris Soerianto and brother Adrianus David Nautani step forward following the call to be an SS.CC. The Mass which took place in a big hall of Retreat house Batam Oase Centre was presided by the Provincial, Fr. Bonie Payong sscc with Fr. Niko Syura sscc and Fr. Francis Soedjiwo sscc as co-celebrants.
The feast of The Queen of Peace, July 9th 2016 was chosen as the day in which the two new brothers proclaimed their religious vows to God and to the Church, humbly hoping that the guidance of Mother Mary always shine forth in theirs days.
A fresh atmosphere was taking place because of the presence of the parents of Harris. They are Buddhists and in such a way the mother still regrets to allow her son to go through with this consecrated life, however, at last she could say: "What God wants let it be done accordingly." Beside this family, the parishioners who participated in the Mass were in a big number, most of them were youths from different parishes. Thanks God for this occasion.
