The team met in the General House of the sisters (Via Aurelia), this time without the presence of Elizabeth Smith, who couldn’t attend because of health reasons.
The main theme of the meeting was the preparation of the International Meeting of the Secular Branch which will take place in the sisters’ house in San Lorenzo de El Escorial, from the 24th to 29th July 2017. As this has been the last meeting of the team before the above mentioned meeting, time was spent trying to refine all the possible aspects of the preparation of the meeting.
The Animation Team are grateful for the effort of all involved in the organization and invite the whole Congregation and all the communities of the Secular branch to pray for the success of this meeting. The meeting hopes to be a moment in which to share the actual reality of the Secular Branch, to deepen the lay vocation inspired by our SS.CC charism and to open perspectives towards the future.