We encourage you to pray in your SSCC communities the prayer composed for the next General Chapters of Brothers and Sisters that are taking place in Rome from 1st to 21st September 2024.
Here is the prayer:
God, our Father,
you have called your servants
Henriette Aymer de la Chevalerie and Marie-Joseph Coudrin
to found a new religious Congregation in the Church,
to spread throughout the world
the infinite riches of your love
manifested in the Heart of Jesus, your Son
and in the Heart of Mary, his Mother.
May their witness help us to love and to make others love the Gospel.
May their ardent zeal and confident prayer sustain and enlighten us.
May their audacity inspire brothers, sisters and lay people,
as we prepare for the forthcoming General Chapters,
to walk with Jesus alongside all men and women
who promote peace and justice.
We ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord.