The experience of preparation for final vows which takes place in Medellín (Colombia) began on the 10th January and will finish at the end of June 2018. This experience is part of the year of preparation for final vows. 5 sisters, of 4 different nationalities are participating in this experience: Bimla Kujur and Sangita Kullu, from India, Ellen Buyuccan from the Philippines, Sarah Ngunda from the DR Congo and Beatriz García Comyn from Spain.
It is a time to halt, to look back at the journey travelled up until now, to rediscover God’s presence throughout these years of formation and to prepare oneself for a definitive commitment in the Congregation. It will not be about learning new things, but rather that of “savouring God on the journey of Life” as the Good Father said.
There will be the possibility of participating in some of the apostolic activities which the Congregation realizes in Colombia, as well as many other activities. The community of Medellin and María Javier Echecopar, from the Territory of Peru-Brazil-Mexico will accompany the sisters during these months, creating a community climate which will help them to live this experience. María Vidal, the Coordinator of Initial formation in the Congregation, has prepared the programme for these 6 months and has counted on the presence of sisters, brothers and lay people who will share different themes and workshops. At the beginning of the meeting Aurora Laguarda will go, as a member of the General Government, to encourage the young sisters on this journey and to help launch the experience.