"In Jesus we find everything"

General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


Home / News / Preparation for Perpetual Vows: A path of deepening and dedication

Preparation for Perpetual Vows: A path of deepening and dedication

As we shared with you a few days ago, on 20 January we began a special time of preparation for perpetual vows, a period of reflection, discernment and encounter with the Lord in the depths of our vocation. These have been weeks of intense and profound work, in which each experience has allowed us to reread our history in the light of God's love.

This time has been a privileged space to look at our journey with gratitude, to recognise the Lord's footprints at every stage of our life and to reaffirm our response to his call. In the midst of silence, prayer and fraternal sharing, we have been invited to allow ourselves to be moulded like clay in the hands of the Potter, trusting that his grace transforms our fragility into strength and generous dedication.


A path of formation and encounter.

During the first week, we were joined by Santiago Romero from the Fundación de Investigación y Promoción Social ‘José Peralta’ in Quito, Ecuador. Together with him, we delved into the reality of today's world through the lens of political, economic and social conditions, which challenge us. The figures on inequality, poverty and migration impacted us not only as cold data, but also because behind them there are faces, stories and lives marked by injustice, many of which we know closely.

In the second week, we were accompanied by our sister Aurora Laguarda, ss.cc., who guided us on a profound journey into the interior of our hearts and into the heart of our Good God. Through this journey, we reflected on our personal and vocational history, contemplated the life of women in the Bible and meditated on what it means to be a consecrated woman today.

