The Province of Mexico celebrated its XV Provincial Chapter from January 8 to 12 in Tetelcingo (Mexico). The Chapter was attended by 15 brothers and a representative of the General Government, Camille Sapu.
The theme of the Chapter was "Let yourself be configured for the way of life of Jesus Christ". All the reflections and decisions of the Chapter revolve around three main challenges:
1. Challenge of God's experience (of the relationship with the Father). The members of the Chapter have seen that it is important for the life of the brothers to have a spirituality that energizes their vocation as
2. Challenge of fraternal life (knowing that everyone is called by Christ). The members of the Chapter wanted to deepen the meaning of community life, emphasizing attention to sick and elderly brothers; They have sought to improve interpersonal relationships and give animation tools to local Superiors.
3. Challenge of the mission (for the service to the poorest). In making an analysis of the social situation of the Church in Mexico, the members of the Chapter feel increasingly called to build a just world. This construction implies a pastoral renewal and a commitment to society. It also involves asking young people to join us as a Congregation.
The Chapter elected the team that will guide the Province during the next three years:
Pedro Díaz: Provincial Superior
Nurmy García: Provincial Vicar
Rodrigo Alcántara: Counselor
Enrique Ramírez: Counselor