Over the last few months, several SSCC published their written works.
Sergio Silva sscc (Province of Chile). «La conversión pastoral y misionera de la iglesia: Orientaciones de la exhortación Evangelii Gaudium del papa Francisco».
( «The pastoral and missionary conversion of the church: Orientations of the exhortation Evangelii Gaudium of Pope Francis»). Edited by CELAM (Latin American Episcopal Council).
The book offers a theological-pastoral reflection based on a critical reading of this papal document. The result is the discovery of eight lines of action that can be used by those directly involved in process of evangelization within the ecclesial communities. At the same time Father Sergio calls for an intense examination of conscience about the ways we go about proclaiming the Gospel.
Felix Supranto sscc (Province of Indonesia). «Inspirasi Kebansaan. Kisah Menenum Kebhinekaan ». ("Inspiration of the world. The history of diversity"). Editorial OBOR.
This is the 25th book that Felix has published. The theme of the book is interreligious dialogue and "pancasila" (the 5 fundamental principles of the Indonesian Constitution). It contains numerous testimonies of Muslims and also of two Catholic bishops.
Video of Felix Supranto's Christmas message on national television in Indonesia:
Fernando Cordero sscc (Iberian Province). « ¿Qué pinta Dios hoy? Imágenes y metáforas para comunicar la fe». («What does God look like today? Images and metaphors to communicate the faith ». Ed. San Pablo
In this new book, Fernando, helps to create compelling environments that bring questions about belief in God to the surface today. He offers us answers, orientations, quotes, thoughts, first-person experiences, etc., which add authenticity upfront to the argument. In addition, he addresses the concerns and topics of today: from sharing missionary experience, through social networks and WhatsApp, to the «Drones Parents» ... More than a book, this is a tool that seeks to help to answer the question: « what does God look like today? ».
Pedro Pablo Achondo sscc (Province of Chile). «Desde el abismo clamo a ti, Señor». ( «From the abyss I cry to you, Lord». Ed. San Pablo.
This is a book about suffering, a subject on which Pedro Pablo reflected doing his master's thesis at the Catholic Institute in Paris. Pedro Pablo himself, in his blog, "Reflexiones itinerantes,” says: "This book is born from the experience of helplessness and resignation to the suffering of my father injured in an accident; of grief and indignation over the misery and injustice suffered by so many people; and from a founding experience - I like to tell it as it is - of encounter with the suffering on the farm, in the jungle, in cities, in prisons and in the houses of the poor. With the experience comes the assuredness that God is not mute; that theology and the disciples of Jesus still have something to say and propose. And a lot to walk with and indeed learn from. And so from the interface of experience and reflection based on faith, this little book is born.”