"In Jesus we find everything"

General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


Home / News / Retreat of the Peru Brazil Mexico Bolivia Territory: Recreating our Consecration

Retreat of the Peru Brazil Mexico Bolivia Territory: Recreating our Consecration

From January 6 to 26, the sisters of the Territory of Peru, Brazil, Mexico and Bolivia gathered in Lima. Aurora Laguarda, vicar of the General Government, guided the retreat from January 7 to 11. The objective of the retreat was: "To discover the will of God, to discover new things from the everyday", to let God be God and let Him be the guide of this retreat. At the end of each day, it was echoed with a song, poem, dance or drawing.

Day 1: Recreating my relationship with the Lord, the first thing to consider our reality of how I come, how I am and what God sees in me, to then enter into the re-creation of the experience of God, can I say that my vocation has been a grace? To speak of following is to speak of four fundamental points that are transversal in our consecrated life and in this retreat: conversion, primacy, election, identification. The radical following of Jesus in the SS.CC. family is to respond to this world and society, without accommodating oneself.

Day 2: A passionate heart. Jesus loves us unconditionally and it is in prayer and silence that we meet Him. Day 3: God's dream for us. It is to redefine the evangelical counsels: Freedom, Love and Shared Mission. "God's dream for us and how we live our consecration", is to identify with God's dream, incarnating it. Emphasizing the vow of obedience.

Day 4: Loving tenderly. The vow of chastity was emphasized, growing in mercy, affection, compassion. It is a vow that gives life, is inclusive, rebuilds trust, transforms the community, is a blessing, is a sign of hope, professes reconciliation and is a prophecy of affective itinerancy. Invited to be "seeds of tenderness". Day 5: Practicing justice. The vow of poverty is to belong all to God because we do not possess anything, it is an experience of detachment, of stripping oneself, of solidarity, without accumulating anything.

Each day, the sessions were motivated by creative and profound prayers, such as adoration and the Eucharist.
