One of the traditions for SSCC communities in Indonesia was to visit the families of our brother and sisters or to invite the families to visit our community. In Batam area, last year and the year before, the SSCC Sisters and Brothers are divided into three groups to visit the families and relatives of our Sisters and Brothers. For this 2024 Christmas, we invite the families and relatives of the brothers and sisters to come to our community. Therefore, on January 5, on the feast of the Epiphany, around 40 family members of brothers and sisters in Batam and Bintan Islands came to BOC to have the first gathering and celebration. We begin our gathering with Eucharist, presided by Provincial. In his homily, he emphasized the role of star from the horoscope, idolized start in the sport, and finally star in the Bible. The stars are one of God’s creation like we human. In the star, there is hope and promise of Abraham as well as Star of Jesus that guided the three Kings toward Jesus in the Bethlehem and toward this SSCC family, because every family has given their best son or daughter – “star” to be SSCC members. After the Eucharist, every family is given the Picture of Jesus and Mary with the prayer of Enthronization and we begin this payer of enthronization from their family.
All the family were encouraged to make this enthronization in their family from now on, first to offer their family and member of SSCC, and all the family who need God’s blessing. After the Eucharist, we have a moment of introduction among us SSCC members and each family, followed by meal together and recreations. Fr. Antun Wardoyo sscc as team who organized this gathering expressed our gratitude to all families who came for this program. By having the Whatsapp number of the families, we will keep our contacts for more information among us, especially information regarding the work of the process of holiness of Fr. Rolf Reichenbach sscc. After the program, the family of Fr. Alex and Sr. Morta took their time to visit the chapel of Fr. Rolf Reichenbach. When we drove them home, the mother of Brother Febrianto Ginting sscc suggested that for the next time, we can have recollection for all SSCC family so that we can know more spirituality of SSCC and communion among us family.
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