For the past 61 years, the parishes of the province of Ibaraki have a tradition of organizing “summer schools.” This year’s session took place in our sscc house in Tomobe (the first house of the Congregation in Japan). The “summer school” started on July 31 and finished on August 3. There were 38 children who participated, coming from 10 parishes. The leaders were 10 adults. There was also a team in charge of the food.
It's always challenging to bring the children together. Most of them have other activities; well, yes it may be holiday time but not completely in the sense that they still have to attend some activities in the school. We arranged a schedule in such a way that it would be interesting and educational. We began our activities by Morning Prayer and Mass. We ended the day with a night prayer.
This year, there was an outing to Mount Tsukuba, as well as a workshop to make handcrafts in clay. The children made crosses in many forms such as Celtic crosses. During the “summer camp” there was also time for sessions on catechism. All told, it was a good experience and the children would like come to the next “summer school.”
