The canonical visit to India began on Monday, February 16th. The Superior General, Javier Álvarez-Ossorio and Pankras Olak make the visit. They are beginning in Bangalore (Karnataka), where the "Damien Seminary " with around twenty candidates is located. Afterwards, they will travel to Bhubaneswar (Odhisa) where the novitiate of the region began just a few months ago. In that city there is also a community which serves the “Damien Institute”, founded by Bill Petrie sscc in 1983. Finally they will visit the communities of the area of Kolkata (West Bengal).
The visit had a difficult start for Pankras because he had some troubles with his visa. On arrival in Bangalore, he received the news of the death of his mother, Marta, who had been seriously ill for several months. Pankras received the news with serenity and trust in God. We join him and his family in prayer.