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General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


Home / News / The General House in Via Rivarone 85 under the snow (Brs)

The General House in Via Rivarone 85 under the snow (Brs)

It rarely snows in Rome, but on the early morning of the 26th of February 2018 snow storm came in abundance. The last time it snowed in Rome was in February 2012. The snow covered trees and rooftops look beautiful, but the snow surely disrupts transportation in Rome. The Eternal City is simply not equipped for such a condition.

It may be a blessing that in the brothers’ General House, the meeting of the Formator about the 4th Stage of Initial Formation was over and most of the brothers have left Rome, otherwise they may be stranded here. The departure of five formators who are still in Rome may be delayed, especially Patrisius Breket and Marisi Palepale whose flights are scheduled for this afternoon.

Likewise, the planned meeting of the team that collaborates for the cause of the beatification of SSCC founders, which was to begin today in the General House of the brothers, has been postponed.

For the rest of us it is advisable to stay at home and make the best of the scenery as Rome comes to a standstill. The roads are too dangerous for the students and workers to commute. For many of us, it is the first time to see the statue of Jesus and Mary in front of our house covered with snow; a beautiful sight indeed while it lasts. 
