Tuesday, 5 September, began with worship, prepared by the brothers and sisters from Germany and Spain. The day was dedicated to the vision of the General Government and the document on inspiration and structures: "Enlarge the space of your tent". In the morning, the General Government shared what it perceives after the visits, meetings, dialogues around the Congregation, through the inspirational document.
Alberto Toutin encourages us to widen our Congregation so that whoever wants to come and walk with us will find brothers and sisters who will accompany them in a large and welcoming tent of the reality that we live in our world as it is. The tent speaks of our littleness, in which God has wanted to dwell. God places his tent among us and with him we enlarge it, we open the doors. Each of the members of the General Government focuses on some aspects of the vision: leadership and service of authority (Derek Laverty), an international and interdependent body (Jean Blaise Mwanda), Communications (Fernando Cordero) and Initial Formation (Thomas Sukotriraharjo).
This was followed by a dialogue on the vision and work in groups to see what seems to us to be a priority in the vision proposed by the General Government. In the afternoon, there was a plenary discussion on some priority aspects for the life and mission of the Congregation and a proposal on the composition of the number of members and the style of the General Government.
The day ends with the celebration of a solemn and festive Eucharist, presided over by Bishop Antonius Subianto OSC, Bishop of Bandung and President of the Indonesian Bishops' Conference. It is a nice gesture of welcome from the local Church to the Congregation.
Link to the photo gallery: https://acortar.link/GZD6WI
Link to the video of mass: https://goo.su/ftncqY